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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 05-05-08
The Board of Selectman held a regular meeting Monday May 5, 2008 at 7:30p.m. in the meeting room at the C. H. Booth Library located on Main Street, Newtown. CT. 06470.  First Selectman Borst called the meeting to order at 7:35p.m.

PRESENT: First Selectman Joseph Borst, Selectman Herb Rosenthal, Selectman Paul Mangiafico.

ALSO PRESENT:  Town Engineer Ron Bolmer, Finance Director Ben Spragg, Assessor Tom DeNoto, fourteen members of the public, two members of the press.

VOTER COMMENTS:  Barbara O’Connor of 36 Little Brook Lane Newtown, CT. 06470 stated that she was surprised that the town budget recently presented by referendum passed, she attributed it to all the “Vote Yes” signs people had posted on their lawns around town.  Ms. O’Connor went on to say that she thought that people were confused by and did not understand the Charter Revision questions.  Ms. O’Connor was very concerned about her taxes increasing by 45% in the coming fiscal year for her 1000 square foot house.  First Selectman Borst asked Ms. O’Connor if she had gone to the Board of Assessment Appeals to question the increase.  She stated that she did not attend the Board of Assessment Appeals but she did however attend an appeal session the revaluation company, Total Valuation Services, LLC held. Ms. O’Connor asked if this outside company keeps records on whether or not they actually entered the house on a certain date to inspect and if there was any recourse.  Assessor, Tom DeNoto stated that the time to appeal an increased valuation has in fact passed but he would be willing to speak with Ms. O’Connor on an individual basis and advise her on how to handle to situation.

Ruby Johnson of 16 Chestnut Hill Road, Sandy Hook, CT. 06482 questioned the Board on why, at a recent Fairfield Hills Authority meeting $300,000 for baseball lights had been requested when the funds were already bonded.  The $300,000 was requested to be added to the Capital Improvement Plan.  Ms. Johnson read from the minutes of the Fairfield Hills Authority meeting and closed by restating her question to the Board on why the funds were seemingly requested twice.  First Selectman Borst stated that it is in the minutes and the issue will be considered and the Board will not engage in debate.

Douglas Brennan of 8 Antler Pine Road, Sandy Hook, CT. 060482 addressed the Board regarding a recent lease at Fairfield Hills and asbestos abatement.  Mr. Brennan stated that he would like addressed and identified the parking issue at Fairfield Hills, the leases without continuous payout, asbestos, cost of energy, cost of sewers and maintenance (should be around 2-4 % of the cost of construction).  Mr. Brennan stated that in the long run these things increase the tax burden and doesn’t feel there is a clear picture on what is going on.  Mr. Brennan said he would like these issues addressed in a written document from the Board of Selectmen and if they need his request in writing he’d be willing to do so.

LeReine Frampton of 6 Pebble Road Newtown, CT. 06470 addressed the Board regarding the Park & Recreation/Senior Center.  Ms. Frampton wanted to clarify if the Senior Citizens will also have a voice in choosing an architect for the project.  First Selectman Borst stated that they would have that opportunity.

Dan Amaral of 37 Elm Drive, Newtown, CT. 06470 stated that he has heard from other tax payers that they are surprised the budget passed the first time around.  Mr. Amaral asked First Selectman Borst if he could convey to Department Heads to save on their departmental budgets, to treat their budgets as if they were their own and a possible zero budget base for next year.  First Selectman Borst stated that he has asked the Department Heads to save and not purchase anything un-needed.  Mr. Amaral used other examples such as the stonewall project at Treadwell Park, heavy equipment and road sweeping.  Mr. Amaral went on to say that it seems as though money is just being spent everywhere and no efforts to save.  

Edward Marks of 3 Sweet Meadow Road, Newtown, CT. 06470 addressed the stonewall project as brought up by Mr. Amaral.  Mr. Marks serves on the Park & Recreation Commission and stated that the stonewall project is being completed for $60,000, the work is being done by town employees thus saving the town money as well $40-$50,000 in grants from the state.  He went on to say that the cost of the stairs is built in to the figured cost and the heavy equipment (10 wheel truck) will be used by Park & Rec.   First Selectman Borst asked Mr. Marks to look into the issue further.

COMMUNICATIONS:  First Selectman Borst addressed the Board regarding the Air Coalition $30,000 is still with the Legislative Council and slated to be processed next week (definitely before the end of the current fiscal year) with the next $30,000 due in the coming fiscal year.  First Selectman Borst went on to address the Board on the Iroquois Gas Transmission Systems had their easements approved and the Board of Selectman meeting on May 19, 2008, Iroquois is slated as a discussion item to recommend action on.  The last item for discussion under communications was on the Lake Zoar Authority.  First Selectman Borst stated that Newtown has never been admitted to the Lake Zoar Authority.  

High School Expansion and Parks & Recreation/Senior Center Funding Appropriations

First Selectman Borst stated that there will be no bonding until the bids come in (as advised by Financial Director, Ben Spragg) so that costs are well understood.  Selectman Mangiafico asked if any towns ever bond long term indebtedness.  Mr. Spragg responded, per Connecticut State Statute, thirty years is the max if the town so chooses.  

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Selectman Rosenthal moved to accept the minutes of April 21, 2008.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded.  All were in favor.  

1. Clerk of the Works
First Selectman Borst stated that the outline of the job description for the Town of Ridgefield’s Clerk of the Works, as handed out at the last meeting by Selectman Rosenthal was given to the Public Building and Site Commission for review.  The Board was in agreement that the position is not to be permanent.  First Selectman Borst went on to say that the Public Building and Site Commission does not want to use an outside company and that he has still not received the additional information he is waiting for from the Public Building and Site Commission.  The Board reviewed the job description for the Clerk of the Works position and came to an agreement that the Public Building and Site Commission will have to clarify where the money to employ the position is going to come from as well as clarifying the job description further.  The Board agreed that a Clerk of the Works will be necessary.  Selectman Mangiafico stated that he is satisfied with the current job description.  Selectman Rosenthal stated that he is not in favor of the position being permanent, and that will need to be clarified in the job description.  Selectman Rosenthal handed out to the Board a job description for a similar position in the Town of Lebanon (See Attachment A)

Further discussion on this item was tabled until the next meeting on May 19, 2008.

1. Driveway Bond Releases/ Extensions
Selectman Rosenthal moved to release two driveway bonds for GLT Residential LLC on 3 Quail Hollow Road, identified by Map 44, Block 5, Lot 15.2 for $1000.00 originally posted 7/17/07 and 4 Quail Hollow Road, identified by Map 44, Block 5, Lot 15.2/15.6 for $1000.00.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded motion.  All were in favor.

2. Tax Refunds
Selectman Rosenthal moved to approve Tax refunds in the amount of $8689.84.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded motion.  All were in favor.

3.  Parks & Recreation Commission - Request $25,000.00 from Surcharge Account to replace Treadwell Park Backstop.
Selectman Rosenthal moved to approve the $25,000 request from the surcharge account to replace the Treadwell backstop.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded.  All were in favor.  

4. Transfer – Police
Selectman Rosenthal moved to approve a transfer of funds FROM account #0020116 Increase Revenue $30,000.00 TO account #001315-1008 miscellaneous $30,000.00.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded.  All were in favor.  

5. Legal Matters
First Selectman Borst moved to enter in to Executive Session at 8:45p.m.
The Board of Selectman returned to regular session at 10:10p.m.


ADJOURNMENT:  Having no further business, First Selectman Borst moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:25p.m. on May 5, 2008.  All were in favor.  

Respectfully Submitted, Cayenne Spremullo,  Clerk

First Selectman, Joseph Borst